Tekalign Gedamu
Author, Republicans on the Throne
Elias Wondimu
Publisher and Editorial Director, Tsehai Publishers
introductory remarks by
Ambassador David Shinn (ret.)
Adjunct Professor of International Affairs, George Washington University
moderated by
Richard Downie
Deputy Director and Fellow, CSIS Africa Program
Wednesday, September 14, 2011, 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Fourth Floor Conference Room, CSIS
1800 K St. NW, Washington, DC 20006
Republicans on the Throne is a memoir spanning the author’s youth and six-decade career in the United Nations, the government of Ethiopia, and the African Development Bank. It examines the fundamental forces behind the Ethiopian revolution and its failed attempts to improve the country’s economic and political fortunes, an assessment of the policies and practices of new rulers, and how the country is faring under their leadership. The book concludes that major challenges remain in the struggle for democracy, fundamental freedoms, national cohesion, and the fight against poverty.
Please RSVP to Sophie Boehm at africa@csis.org