Somali commentator Mohamud M. Uluso posted a provocative analysis on 23 October 2012 on Pambazuka News concerning the role of the international community as the new Somali government tries to establish its bona fides. He was highly critical of the international community for not providing sufficient resources to the Federal Government and then not allowing it sufficient independence over the use of those funds.
While the international community has in the past made its share of mistakes in Somalia, it must also consider, as even Uluso admits, that "Somalia has had a poor record of public financial management throughout its history." While it is important that the international community provide adequate funding for the new government, it is equally imperative that it ensure these resources are used for the purpose of providing services to the Somali people and building a responsive government widely accepted by the Somali people.
Uluso concludes that "the future forebodes more pessimism and treachery than optimism and trustworthiness." I disagree. While mistakes will continue to be made on both the Somali and international side, I am more optimistic than I have been in two decades.
Click here to read Uluso's commentary.