Monday, September 18, 2023

China and Sustainable Fisheries in West Africa

 The Stimson Center published in July 2023 a major report titled "Charting a Blue Future for Cooperation between West Africa and China on Sustainable Fisheries" by Sam Geall, Carolyn Gruber, Regina Lam, Lily Schlieman, Lauren Shea, U. Rashid Sumaila, and Sally Yozell.  

Over the past decade, Chinese owned and flagged distant water fishing vessels have expanded their presence in West Africa.  The Stimson Center coordinated a comprehensive review of illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing, fisheries management, and the role of China in the development of West Africa's sustainable blue economy.

This report offers the governments of West African states and China clear, concise, and actionable recommendations to foster sustainable fisheries management and counter IUU fishing in the Gulf of Guinea and beyond.