Sunday, March 23, 2025

Examples of Voice of America "Radical Propaganda." Really?

 The Washington Post published on 18 March 2025 an article titled "The White House's Flimsy Attack on Voice of America" by Glenn Kessler.

The Voice of America (VOA), which the Trump administration is in the process of dismantling, broadcasts in almost 50 languages to 360 million people around the world.  Inevitably, there will be an occasional statement out of the hundreds of thousands each year that should have been handled with greater care. 

In justification of dismantling the VOA and firing its employees, the White House issued a statement citing 10 examples of alleged "radical propaganda" announced by VOA over the past 5 years.  The Washington Post "fact checker" looked at each one and concluded the charge was either inaccurate or significantly lacking in context.