Monday, June 29, 2009

5 great web sources for Africa info

There are many excellent sources of information about Africa. The five that I describe below are particularly good. The first three focus primarily on daily news stories; the other two are more specialized. They are all worth a look.
  1., website: This is a multi-media content service provider and the largest distributor of African news worldwide. Registered in Mauritius with offices in Johannesburg, Dakar, Lagos, and Washington, it produces and distributes news from across Africa. It posts more than 1,000 stories daily in English and French.
  2. Pambazuka News, website: This site contains both news and specially prepared articles about Africa. It is produced and published by Fahamu – Networks for Social Justice. It is supported by contributions from a variety of organizations including AB Charitable Trust, Christian Aid, Fahamu Trust, Haella Foundation, HIVOS, Interpares, Foundation Open Society Institute, OxfamNovib, Sigrid Rausing Trust, and TrustAfrica. It is registered in South Africa and has offices in London, Nairobi, and Dakar.
  3. Integrated Regional Information Networks (IRIN), website: IRIN’s principal role is to provide news and analysis about sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, and parts of Asia for the humanitarian community. It is a project of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. It targets relief agencies, host and donor governments, human rights organizations, humanitarian advocacy groups, academic institutions, and the media. Founded in 1995, it is based in Nairobi.
  4. Institute for Security Studies (ISS), website: ISS provides in depth analysis about a variety of topics concerning Africa. It is a regional research institute operating across sub-Saharan Africa. It is registered as a non-profit trust in South Africa, a research association in Ethiopia and as a company limited by guarantee with no share capital in Kenya. It tends to focus on a wide range of human security issues.
  5. Africana Periodical Literature Bibliographic Database (AfricaBib), website: AfricaBib is a collection of Africana social science titles presented on the Internet. Some are directly accessible from AfricaBib; in most cases you must access the periodical on your own. The database now indexes more than 60,000 articles that have appeared in more than 500 periodicals. The African Studies Centre in Leiden, Netherlands, now hosts the website.