Some of the conclusions from the focus groups are:
- Southern Sudanese participants continue to express an extremely strong desire for separation from the North.
- This strong desire for secession is being driven by the belief that an independent South will be more prosperous.
- Southern Sudanese participants support the right of Southerners in the North to vote in the referendum but want them to return “home” to cast their ballots.
- Most Southern Sudanese participants are strongly opposed to a referendum delay.
- Participants want the international community to play an active role in the referendum.
- Participants take an extremely hard line against the sharing of oil revenue with the North if the referendum vote is for independence.
- There is no consensus among participants about whether they would accept a four-year transition period after a vote for independence.
- Participants express strong concerns about challenges an independent Goss would face: corruption, ethnicity-based hiring, and nepotism/tribalism.
- More participants acknowledged more progress in Southern Sudan than in 2009 but are still dissatisfied with levels of development and security as well as corruption within the Southern government.