Tuesday, July 5, 2011

"The US's overhyped provision of drones to Uganda and Burundi"

Drone launches from deck of USS Lassen.
Flickr/U.S. Navy.
I was interviewed for Daveed Gartenstein-Ross and Tara Vassefi's Long War Journal article on U.S. drones and Uganda and Burundi.

Here is the quote:

"As Ambassador David Shinn, the former US Ambassador to Ethiopia, told us, 'The drones will provide intelligence, but in a small radius. With their range, they won't even be able to cover greater Mogadishu. They have the potential to be a useful, but have nothing to do with firing missiles.' Indeed, all US drone strikes in Somalia have occurred outside the Mogadishu area, so these drones almost certainly won't be providing intelligence that can feed into US strikes."