Friday, February 24, 2012

China and Latin America

I normally include on this blog China material related only to Africa. In this case,I am adding a good study on China and Latin America by Evan Ellis, Assistant Professor, Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies, National Defense University, Washington, D.C. Evan Ellis is one of the world's leading researchers on this topic. His study allows some comparisons with China's approach to Africa.

Published in February 2012 by the Institut Francais des Relations Internationales (IFRI), an important French think tank, the study is titled The Expanding Chinese Footprint in Latin America: New Challenges for China, and Dilemmas for the US.

He concludes that the growing Chinese physical presence in Latin America will generate five types of challenges that will make it increasingly difficult for China to maintain its policy of non-interference in the internal politics of the region:
(1) disputes with Latin American governments over tax and regulatory frameworks impacting Chinese companies and operations;
(2) disputes over investment terms and with local communities during implementation;
(3) labor issues and problems with local suppliers while conducting business operations;
(4) resistance to Chinese projects from environmentalists and other interest groups; and
(5) threats to the physical security of Chinese personnel and operations.

China is experiencing these same challenges (and others) in Africa.