Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Ethiopa's Compelling Rise: Lessons for Africa

The Johannesburg-based The Brenthurst Foundation published in April 2015 a study titled "Ethiopia's Compelling Rise: Lessons for Africa" by Christopher Clapham, Cambridge University, and Greg Mills, The Brenthurst Foundation.

The authors comment that over the last decade, Ethiopia has been the fastest growing economy in Africa.  The government has driven growth through a range of infrastructural investments supported by sound policy.  At the same time, Ethiopia's state-centric approach to development has exposed a number of shortcomings.  Its inability to create or attract a productive private sector able to translate major infrastructural investments into the basis for a dynamic modern economy could yet blunt it future prospects.  Nevertheless, Ethiopia has many of the ingredients for sustainable economic success, not least its clear ownership over its own development plans and processes.