Thursday, December 8, 2022

China Trashes Upcoming US-Africa Summit; Time for a Little Humility

 The Global Times, which speaks for the Communist Party of China, published on 7 December 2022 an opinion piece titled "Be It a Show or Sincere Help, African Countries Can see Through the US." 

The commentary argues that Washington is hosting the 13-15 December African Leaders Summit "for show" and "it reveals the consistent duplicity of US policy toward Africa."  The commentary continues that the United States has never had a detailed plan for Africa, only "empty strategic slogans."  After praising China's approach to Africa, the author concludes that Washington is not serving the needs of African countries but is utilizing "them to engage in strategic competition with China."

Comment:  The last Forum on China-Africa cooperation took place in Dakar, Senegal in November 2021.  Because of COVID-19, President Xi Jinping addressed it by video link from Beijing.  At least President Joe Biden will be physically present for the event.