Four articles on Somalia and Somaliland have appeared recently in academic journals. They are NOT available on-line through open access, but can be accessed through university libraries. The articles are:
--Why Victories in Battle Have Not Yet Finished the War Against Al-Shabaab by Noel Anderson, PhD candidate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It appears in the August-September 2016 issue of Survival.
--Managing Risk in Ungoverned Space: Local and International Actors in Somalia by Ken Menkhaus, Davidson College. It appears in the Winter-Spring 2016 issue of SAIS Review.
--The Trap of International Intervention: How Somaliland Succeeded When Somalia Failed by Teresa Krug, a multimedia journalist. It appears in the Winter-Spring 2016 issue of SAIS Review.
--Off-road Policing: Communications Technology and Government Authority in Somaliland by Alice Hills, Durham University. It appears in the September 2016 issue of International Affairs.