Saturday, October 14, 2023

Sub-Saharan Africa's Economic Relations with China

 The International Monetary Fund published in October 2023 a short summary titled "At a Crossroads: Sub-Saharan Africa's Economic Relations with China." (Scroll down highlighted reference to access this report.)

One-fifth of Sub-Saharan Africa's (SSA) exports go to China and China is the single largest source of imports for SSA.  China's share of SSA sovereign debt is only about 6 percent of the total debt and five countries (Angola, Kenya, Zambia, Cameroon, and Nigeria) account for 55 percent of the official bilateral debt to China.  Beijing's share of total SSA foreign direct investment stock is only 4.4 percent.  

China is retrenching its financing activities in SSA amid a growth slowdown and reducing its appetite for risk.  The projected future deceleration in China's growth is likely to affect African trading partners negatively over the medium term, mainly through reduced trade.