Saturday, December 28, 2013

International Journal of Ethiopian Studies

The 2013 issue of the International Journal of Ethiopian Studies is now available.  It contains the following articles:
  • The Dichotomy between Reality and Rhetoric in African Politics: Placing Ethiopia in the 'Continental' Pan-African Movement by Belete Belachew Yihun.
  • Critical Reflections on an Oromo Aphorism and Emancipation by Maimire Mennasemay.
  • The Politics of the Imposed and Negotiation of the Emerging Nile Basin Regime by Aaron Tesfaye.
  • The Quest for Equitable Resolution of the Nile Waters Dispute: Wandering in the Wilderness? by Dereje Zeleke Mekonnen.
  • Politics and Religion in Haile Selassie's Ethiopia: Apogee and Crisis of a Confessional African State (1916-1974) by Paolo Borruso.
You can order a copy for $25 by going to the Tsehai Publishers website at