Friday, October 7, 2022

Chinese Influence in Africa (French and English)

 The Institut Francais des Relations Internationales published on 6 October 2022 an issue titled "Les influences chinoises en Afrique: Mythes et realities des relations economiques."

For many African governments, China represents a viable alternative to Africa's traditional donors and trading partners.  Nevertheless, the relationship between China and Africa is not characterized by mutual interdependence, but rather by a renewed economic and financial asymmetry.  The articles in this issue highlight the diversity of Chinese economic actors and Chinese trade, investment, and loan policies in Africa.

The issue contains the following articles:

--En Afrique, "La Chine Fait Ca", "Les Chinois Font Ci" by Thierry Pairault. 

--Economic Relations between Africa and China: What to Watch for by Alicia Garcia Herrero.

--The Chinese Presence in DR Congo's Mining Sector: From Greenfield to Brownfield Investments by Johanna Malm.

--Les Entreprises Forestieres Chinoises en Afrique Centrale by Alain Karsenty.