Monday, October 17, 2022

US Tops China in Global South Public Opinion Study

 Palacky University Olomouc in the Czech Republic in collaboration with the Central European Institute of Asian Studies in Slovakia published in October 2022 a report titled "US-China Rivalry in the Global South? Insights from a Public Opinion Survey" by Richard Q. Turcsanyi, Klara Dubravcikova, James Iocovozzi, Matej Simalcik, and Kristina Kironska.  

The authors did an online public opinion survey between June and July 2022 of 15 countries in the Global South, including 7 in Africa (Angola, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, and Tunisia).  Respondents consistently viewed the United States more favorably and positively in all 15 countries, although the US did relatively less well in the two North African countries than in the others.  China was also seen as predominantly favorably in most countries, although tracking behind the United States.