Thursday, April 20, 2023

Sudan Meltdown: When in Doubt, Just Blame the United States

 Foreign Policy published on 20 April 2023 a commentary titled "In Sudan, U.S. Policies Paved the Way for War" by Justin Lynch.

The author points out that Sudan is facing state collapse.  He puts much of the blame on U.S. policy.  He does acknowledge that Sudan's feuding generals have primary responsibility for the current fighting.  He then adds that the precipitating event of the current war in Sudan was a reconciliation agreement and security sector reform plan that was pushed by the United States and the UN mission in Sudan.

Comment: It is easy to Monday morning quarterback and criticize from the sidelines after the results are known.  And it is probably unrealistic to think the current military leaders in Sudan are prepared to give up power to a civilian government.  They have too much to lose.  These guys are not the successors of General Rahman Swar al-Dahab, who did voluntarily turn over power to civilians in 1986.  But the United States, United Nations, and all other interested parties must work with what they have.  While the plan never had a high likelihood of success, it was a sincere effort and no one else offered a more credibile plan.