Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Shaping the Future of Africa-China Engagement

 The Collectif pour le Renouveau Africain (CORA or Collective for African Renewal) published in October 2023 a 313 page report titled "Shaping the Future of Africa-China Engagement" edited by Folashade Soule.  

Written from an African perspective, the report's goal is to engage both scholars and African policymakers to rethink how the Africa-China relationship can be better rebalanced in order to address its inherent structural asymmetries and benefit Africa more.  It consists of 8 contributions (6 in English and 2 in French) that investigate how Africa-China relations impact the political economy of African states, and how both governmental and non-governmental African actors organize and benefit or not from these relationships.

The report is structured around the following four thematic topics: (1) enhancing governance frameworks in Africa-China relations; (2) strengthening local agency in Africa-China negotiations; (3) redefining labor norms and practices in Africa-China projects; and (4) reinforcing societal issues in Africa-China governmental engagement.  

It contains the following contributions:

--The Digital Silk Road and Emerging African Data Governance Frameworks: Evidence from Egypt by Tin Hinane el Kadi, London School of Economics

--People-Centered Engagement: Ghanaians' Perspectives on Ghana-China Security Relations by Sulley Ibrahim, Conflict Research Network West Africa

--Limited Local Agency? Local Community Benefits and Challenges in Chinese Funded Infrastructure Projects in Kenya by Oscar Otele, University of Nairobi

--Kambele: Une Exploitation Miniere Camerounaise a Visage Chinois? by Nya Mbessa Merlin Brice, University of Yaounde

--Chinese Miners, Community Resistance and Collaboration in Ghana by Isaac Odoom, Carleton University

--Twyford Ceramics: Un Capitalisme Chinois en Afrique? - Position Paper by Ibrahima Niang, University of Cheikh Anta Diop

--(Re-)Defining the Role of the African University in Africa-China Relations by Abdul-Gafar Tobi Oshodi, Lagos State University

--A Case of Several Asymmetries: Integrating Racial Questions into Africa-China Governmental Relations by Runako Celina, Black Livity China