Saturday, June 15, 2024

Political Faction Leader Analyzes Current Mess in Sudan

 Dabanga, an independent Sudanese broadcaster/publisher now operating outside the country, posted on 9 June 2024 an analysis titled "Russian Red Sea Base and RSF 'Government' in Darfur Will Prolong War and Condemn Sudan" by Yassir Arman, founder and secretary-general of the SPLM-N Democratic Revolutionary Movement and member of the Coordination of the Civil Democratic Forces (Tagadom).  

Yasir Arman argues that the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) cannot achieve a military solution to Sudan's divisions.  Both sides are preparing to dismember or partition their homeland for their own advantage.  They do not care if they destroy the country's entire population and infrastructure in the process.  The RSF has hinted that if it takes control of El Fasher, the capital and largest city in North Darfur, it might form its own government independent of the SAF government based in Port Sudan, causing Sudan to follow the example of divided Libya.  

Arman urges Sudan to link the civilian-political peace process with the military track in Jeddah to reach a long-term humanitarian ceasefire, with regional and international monitoring on the ground.  The goal should be rebuilding the state, establishing a single professional army, and completing the December Revolution.