Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The Status of Sudan Peace Talks

 The New Arab published on 21 August 2024 an article titled "What the Stalled Geneva Peace Talks Mean for Sudan's War" by Mohamed Mostafa. 

The paramilitary Rapid Support Forces has reportedly sent a delegation to the US-Saudi peace talks in Geneva while the Sudan Armed Forces is insisting on reviving the failed Jeddah talks in Cario.  The result so far is stasis, although US special envoy to Sudan, Tom Perriello, remains hopeful that progress can be reached in Geneva on humanitarian access to starving Sudanese.

African Arguments published on 21 August 2024 an analysis titled "US Calls for Ceasefire: Sudan's Peace Process at a Crossroads" by Elhadi Abdalla.

This is a more detailed background piece on the status of efforts to arrange a ceasefire and humanitarian access in Sudan.