Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Security Issues in the Horn of Africa

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) published in April 2019 three major studies dealing with security issues in the Horn of Africa by Neil Melvin, senior researcher at SIPRI.

The first paper is titled "The Foreign Military Presence in the Horn of Africa Region." It maps the growth of foreign military forces in and around the Horn over the past two decades.

The second paper is titled "The New External Security Politics of the Horn of Africa Region." It highlights the increasing importance of geopolitical, commercial and military competition as the driver of foreign military deployments to the Horn region.

The third paper is titled "Managing the New External Security Politics of the Horn of Africa Region." It highlights how the growth of foreign military forces in the Horn is transforming the region as a security space, and identifies priorities to help the countries of the Horn manage the new external security dynamics.