Thursday, October 17, 2024

Ethiopia: Peace Remains Elusive in Oromia

 Ethiopia Insight published on 17 October 2024 a commentary titled "Peace--and Justice--Remain Elusive in Oromia" by Siyanne Mekonnen, freelance journalist based in Ethiopia.

There is no end in sight to the conflict in Oromia.  The way forward requires all stakeholders to come to the table and rectify historical privileges that have contributed to the marginalization of certain ethnic groups.  The author concludes such a harmonious outcome is a distant dream.

An Egyptian View of Developments in Somalia

 The National Interest published on 9 October 2024 a commentary titled "Egypt in Somalia: Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick" by Mohamed Farid, member of the Egyptian Senate, and Mohamed Maher, Egyptian journalist based in the US.

The African Union Support and Stabilization Mission in Somalia (AUSSOM) is scheduled to take over from the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) by January 2025.  Egypt is supplying weapons, equipment, and training to the Somali National Army.

The authors argue that Egypt's involvement in Somalia is driven by its interest in maintaining regional stability and countering al-Shabaab terrorism.  They acknowledge, however, that Egypt is concerned by Ethiopia's "expansionist policies" that "threaten Somali sovereignty."

An Anti-Ethiopia Alliance in Northeast Africa?

 Foreign Policy published on 16 October 2024 a commentary titled "The Anti-Ethiopia Alliance Takes Shape" by Nosmot Gbadamosi.

The author argues that Egypt is aligning with Eritrea and Somalia to counter Ethiopia, but a direct conflict between Somalia and Ethiopia is unlikely with the Somali National Army preoccupied by its fight against al-Shabaab.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Russia is Floundering in Africa

 The European Council on Foreign Relations published on 9 October 2024 a commentary titled "The Sweating Bear: Why Russia's Influence in Africa Is Under Threat" by Will Brown.

Russia's military operations in Africa are not succeeding, and Moscow is not setting itself up as a long-term partner for African governments.  Moscow is losing credibility as a reliable partner for African governments.  Everywhere Russia has sent troops, the security situation is dramatically worse than when international forces were present.  

A Decade of Egypt-Russia Relations

 The South African Institute of International Affairs published in September 2024 a paper titled "Strategic Partners or Tactical Allies? A Decade of Egypt-Russia Relations" by Heba Taha, Lund University of Sweden.

The paper assesses the drivers of the Egyptian-Russian relationship and its evolution over the past decade.  The author concludes that the relationship reflects a tactical convergence and is mostly structured around mutual interests.  Egypt forms a key part of Russia's turn to the Middle East and Africa.  At the same time, Egypt perceives closer cooperation with Russia as a way to balance its relationship with the United States.  

New Perspectives on China and Africa

 The East Asian Studies Center at Ohio State University in Columbus is hosting on 15 November 2024 a half day symposium titled "New Perspectives on China and Africa."  You can attend in person or join by Zoom.

Speakers will present on the following topics:

David Shinn - China-Africa Security Engagement Since COVID-19

Jyhong Hwang - Built Higher, Dug Deeper: The Effect of Chinese Debt Financing on African Infrastructure Coverage

Phiwokuhle Mnyandu - The Evolution of Chinese Soft Power in Africa: Implications for Technology, African Languages and Cultures in Africa and the Diaspora

Asma Amita Belem - China in Africa, Environmental Governance and Civil Society: The Case of the Kua Forest in Burkina Faso

Joshua Eisenman - China's Relational Power in Africa: Beijing's 'New Type of Party-to-Party Relations'

The Russian Orthodox Church Comes to Africa

 The Foreign Policy Research Institute published on 15 October 2024 a commentary titled "Russia's Influence in Africa: The Role of the Russian Orthodox Church" by Charles A. Ray.

In December 2021, The Russian Orthodox Church established the patriarchate Exarchate of Africa with two dioceses: the South African Diocese with 24 countries under its jurisdiction and the North African Diocese with 31 countries.  The Russian Orthodox Church reportedly opened more than 200 parishes between December 2021 and July 2023.  

The Church's actions are aligned with Vladimir Putin's goal of expanding the Kremlin's influence in Africa.  Kremlin-backed entities financially support the Church.  

Somalia: Status of Establishing Security

 The International Peace Institute published in October 2024 a report titled "ATMIS Transition and Post-ATMIS Security Arrangement in Somalia."

In April 2022, the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) was reconfigured as the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS).  Its mandate was to degrade al-Shabaab, provide security to population centers, secure major supply routes, and develop Somali security forces.  The report identifies the challenges encountered and evaluates the progress made so far.

Lessons Learned from Failed UN Civilian Protection Mission in Sudan

 The Stimson Center published in October 2024 a study titled "Civilian Protection in Sudan: Emerging Lessons from UNITAMS" by Julie Gregory.

The United Nations Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS) began operations in 2020 to assist with civilian protection.  It replaced the more robust UN-AU Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID).  UNITAMS was not designed to operate in Sudan's current civil war environment, which forced the evacuation of most of its personnel.  This study offers lessons learned as a result of this failed mission.  

Arms from UAE and Iran Fuel Civil War in Sudan

 The Washington Post published on 15 October 2024 an article titled "Sudan's Civil War Fueled by Arms Shipments from UAE and Iran" by Katharine Houreld and Hafiz Haroun.  

In spite of a UN arms embargo, the UAE continues to supply arms to the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces while Iran does the same for the Sudan Armed Forces.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Russia's Disinformation Campaign in Africa

 The New York Times published on 14 October 2024 an article titled "Russia's Latest Target in Africa: U.S.-funded Anti-Malaria Programs" by Elian Peltier.

A Russian disinformation program is attacking US-funded health care programs in Africa to weaken Western interests there.  The disinformation can usually be traced back to someone close to the Russian government or Russian institutions.

China's FDI in Africa: What Is Real and What Is Not

 The Hinrich Foundation published on 15 October 2024 a commentary titled "How Much of China's Investment into Africa Is Real?" by Stewart Paterson.

The author argues that China's FDI in Africa is overstated because announced projects are sometimes subsequently cancelled or turn out to be financing deals and not FDI.  He cites examples in Egypt, Angola, and South Africa to make the case.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Ethiopian Egyptian Tension in the Horn of Africa

 African Arguments published on 6 October 2024 an analysis titled "Ethiopia's Quest for a Seaport, Egypt and the Geopolitics of the Nile Basin" by Mohamed Kheir Omer.

This piece reviews the historical animosity between Ethiopia and Egypt, concluding that only renewed dialogue and mutual compromise can pave the way for lasting peace and stability in the region.

China's Diplomacy in Africa Is Mostly Bilateral

 The Diplomat published on 12 October 2024 a commentary titled "Boiling 54 Eggs: China's Approach to Africa" by Peter Krasnopolsky, University of Nottingham.  

The author concluded that China's engagement in Africa is becoming more decentralized.  He added that Beijing's "win-win" rhetoric in Africa is under question.  

China's "New" Modernization Model for the Global South

 The Diplomat published on 10 October 2024 a commentary titled "China Pitches Its Model of Modernization to the Global South" by Shruti Jargad, New Delhi-based Centre for Social and Economic Progress.

The author identifies four central tenants of China's "new" modernization model for the Global South.  They are: (1) economic globalization conducted by a strong party-led state; (2) non-interference in domestic political affairs and a focus on training and sharing governance strategies; (3) mutual reinforcement of high-quality development and greater security; and (4) a focus on infrastructure combined with people centric "small and beautiful" development.  

China and Zimbabwe Open Joint Research Center

 Xinhua published on 13 October 2024 an article titled "Chinese, Zimbabwean Universities Launch Research Center on Civilization Exchanges."

The China-Africa Joint Research Center for Exchanges and Mutual Learning between Civilizations opened on 11 October at the University of Zimbabwe in collaboration with Renmin University of China.  The spokesperson for the University of Zimbabwe emphasized joint research projects and exchange programs that focus on innovation and industrialization.  The spokesperson from Renmin University said the center will promote exchanges and research in education and scientific cooperation.  

China Moves Pharmaceutical Production to Africa

 The South China Morning Post published on 14 October 2024 an article titled "Chinese Pharmaceutical Firms Expand to Africa under 'Health Silk Road'" by Jevans Nyabiage.  

As Chinese pharmaceutical companies maximize production in China, they seek business opportunities outside the country, including Africa, which also has the world's fastest growing population.  

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Nile River Basin CFA Takes Effect, but Two States Reject It

 Addis Insight published on 13 October 2024 an article titled "A Landmark Moment: Nile River Basin Commission Formed as CFA Takes Effect."

The Nile River Basin Cooperative Framework Agreement (CFA) took effect as of 13 October following ratification by six of the ten members.  Ethiopia, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Burundi, and South Sudan have now ratified the CFA.

Members that have not yet ratified the CFA are Egypt, Sudan, the DRC, and Kenya.  Eritrea is an observer of the Nile Basin Initiative.  

Nova News published on 13 October 2024 an article titled "Africa: Egypt and Sudan Reject New Nile River Deal that Just Came into Force."

Egypt and Sudan quickly rejected the CFA, arguing that the six-state commission is not representative of the Nile Basin as a whole.

For the text of the CFA visit here

Comment:  It is not clear where this leaves the CFA with Sudan and Egypt rejecting it and Kenya and the DRC not yet ratifying it.  

Sudan: Are We Not Humans?

 The New York Times published on 12 October 2024 a commentary titled "'Are We Not Humans?'" by Nicholas Kristof.

Kristof recently visited the Chad-Sudan border area and wrote about the ongoing tragedy in Sudan.  This is a follow up commentary in which he responds to questions from readers about what can be done to improve the situation.  

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Ethiopia's Counteroffensive against Fano Militia

 The American Enterprise Institute's Critical Threats published on 10 October 2024 an article titled "The ENDF Launched a Counteroffensive against Ethno-nationalist Insurgents Known as Fano in Ethiopia's Northwestern Amhara Region."

This is a summary of recent military action involving the Ethiopian National Defense Forces and the Fano militia in Amhara Region.  

Are Eritrea, Egypt, and Somalia Ganging Up on Ethiopia?

 The BBC published on 10 October 2024 an article titled "Eritrea, Egypt and Somalia Cement 'Axis against Ethiopia'" by Teklemariam Bekit.  

The Presidents of Eritrea, Egypt, and Somalia met in Asmara on 10 October.  Eritrea issued a statement at the conclusion of the summit calling for "respect for the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the countries of the region."  The article interpreted the purpose of the summit as an alliance aimed at Ethiopia.

Aljazeera published on 10 October 2024 an article titled "Somalia, Eritrea and Egypt Pledge to Bolster Security Ties."  

The article gave a less confrontational interpretation to the summit but noted that Egypt has pledged to send troops to Somalia for the new African Union peacekeeping mission.  

Friday, October 11, 2024

Yemen's Houthi Rebels Damage Another Ship in Red Sea

 The Associated Press published on 10 October 2024 an article titled "Yemen's Houthi Rebels Attack a Liberian-flagged Ship in the Red Sea" by Jon Gambrell.

Yemen's Houthi rebels attacked and damaged on 10 October a Liberian-flagged chemical tanker on the African side of the Red Sea.  The ship continued its voyage.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

US Sanctions Senior Sudan Rapid Support Force Leader

 The U.S. Department of the Treasury posted on 8 October 2024 a press release titled "Treasury Sanctions Sudanese Rapid Support Forces Procurement Director."

The United States sanctioned on 8 October Algoney Hamdan Daglo Musa, the procurement director of Sudan's paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and younger brother of Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, leader of the RSF.

Russia's Wagner Group Lives in Africa

 War on the Rocks published on 9 October 2024 a commentary titled "After Prigozhin, the Wagner Group's Enduring Impact" by Jack Margolin.  

The current iteration of the Wagner Group continues both military and commercial operations in Mali and the Central African Republic in close coordination with Russian security services.  Russia allows the Wagner Group to survive.  At the same time, there is no unified Russian plan for Africa.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Sudanese Soldiers Target Volunteer Community Kitchens

 Reuters published on 8 October 2024 an article titled "Sudan's Warring Sides Target Local Aid Volunteers Fighting Famine" by Nafisa Eltahir and Khalid Abdelaziz.

The article documents repeated attacks on community kitchens operated by volunteers dedicated to feeding hungry Sudanese in a war zone.  Soldiers from both the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces and the Sudan Armed Forces have attacked the volunteers, forcing some of them to shut down their kitchens or even leave Sudan.